Saturday, March 23, 2019

The final blow

You drew memories in my mind
I could never erase
You painted colors in my heart
I could never replace

I didn’t see this coming
But you knew all along
Nudging me to get there
Inch by inch

How could you roll up all those little punches
Into one massive blow
Tossing me into infinite numbness
Breathless, Worthless

Our pacts forgotten
Winning hands down
Willing to let go
Tumbling the crazy hormones out of control

Well timed, well aimed
Murderous, monstrous
The final blow.


  1. Oh Dear. Not a poem like this ......

    I hope this was just metaphorical, but likely not. Perhaps the consolation is that if there was no sadness in the world, there wouldn't be happiness either.

  2. Life is never a smooth sail. Like you said, to appreciate the good things, some setbacks are always good.

  3. Hugs.. tight big hugs..
    let the words flow and gather into it the river of meloncholy

    1. Rekha, you know much writing helps? It cleanses the soul and gives the much needed sanity.

      Thank you for being there

  4. Lovely poem, sad and deep but quite relatable to many!


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