Wednesday, January 23, 2019


The mesmerizing voice slowly
Builds up the adrenaline rush and
Gets her heady
Burst of magic comes alive in her

The walls built over a period of time
Sluggishly cease to exist
And she pours out all that is in her heart and soul
Working up the charm of a little girl that once she was

The voice has dwindled
She only has the letters now, and scarce
Pieces of her heart tucked into words
That she could never say out aloud

The summery perfumes of March pained her
Made her feel like an infinitesimal being
Drunk with a starry void
Dark and tormented, furor of passion.

Ray was what she was called
She was a ray of sunshine with a radiating smile
Her love was pure, golden, but limited
Always doomed, to expire

Vincy Joseph


  1. Loving it... keep it coming !!

  2. I am determined to be here more often. and with my dear readers like you, I am more than blessed!!

  3. Yes, keep being here more often.

    By the way, a little girl is a little girl forever.

    1. Yes. I will.

      I also realized that some part of me will never grow up :-)

  4. Kavidhai kavidhai .. .or should I say poem poem? Semma either way

    1. yeah it happens to be one. atleast i thought it was one. glad you think so too.. *Wink * Wink*


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