Saturday, December 14, 2019

Letting it be!!!

The invisible furies of my heart
Are the most difficult to tackle
When my stronghold crumbles down
But, I let that be

There are a zillion things my heart wants to whisper
Instead I endure the silent violence
Of all that I choose not to say
And, I let that be

Not able to choose a middle path
I still obsessively hold on
Wish I could let go indifferently
I am not able to, and I let that be

There is no potion to heal the pain
Of an amputated spirit
since I have fed you to my hungry soul
But, I let that pain be

Soaking in the absurd comfort
Of the ambiguities of life
Blurred lines of relationships
And so, I let it be.

Vincy Joseph


  1. Vincy, I can't believe this, it feels as if you just snatched the words out of my pen, this is literally everything that I feel now and I wanted to write now.. This is uncanny!! I totally, totally get this poem, it's like a piece of your heart on this blog page..Hugs...tight big hugs(())

    1. I have told you even earlier that there is some invisible connect between us. something that transcends the realities of life.


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