Monday, March 25, 2019

What does Love feel like?

Love feels like
Those twinkling eyes
Full of mischief
Waiting to receive me

Love feels like
The bags of medication
You pick up 
When you get to know, am ill

Love feels like
Taste of Betadine
That is used to gargle 
When my throat is sore

Love feels like
All those little white lies
Which you utter
and we both know what they are

Love feels like
Sitting beside you
And looking out of that window
Into nothing specific, may be just a dump yard

Love feels like
That soft call in the middle of the night
When I have slowly gathered
The entire bedspread to my side

Love feels like
That voice that tells me
You snored but I am okay with it
When I know how you hate it

Love feels like
You waking up
At the slightest noise
When I come into the room

Love feels like
The gleam on your face
When you see the sparkle of my pendant
at the breakfast table

Love feels like
That touch of your palms
On my aching back
When I complain of pain

Love feels like
All the little things you do
To put a smile on my face
Without expecting anything in return


  1. awwww... i loved this one.. so simple yet so profound !!
    Keep it rolling girl, you are acing it !!

    1. I think I am.

      Its always a battle between multiple stuff and I know its important to count my blessings.

    2. so glad you like it

  2. Now, that's more like it. Better this than the previous poem !

    1. I knew you would say this in the comment :-) :-)

  3. Love feels like... A nicely written post.. That sets you thinking about what makes people tick.. And come up with such cute write-ups: )

    1. Heee heee *** a big wide sheepish grin ***

  4. That's so cute...


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