Friday, July 20, 2012


They threaten to peep out
Uncontrollably. Any moment.
Got to remind them relentlessly
They are precious expressions
Not to be wasted on inane stuff
They retreat without a trace
Leaving their sting of saltiness
on a open raw wound
I nurse the throbbing wound
In realization, its not easy to heal
Pain, now is soothing
‘cos it is better than dignity besmirched
One day in the future, a zillion stings later
The wound will begin to heal
Time, unmistakeably, is a great healer
Till then
Silent. Forlorn. Wounded.
I continue persistently
to give lessons in obedience
To my precious tears.

Vincy Joseph


  1. Nice poem although the pathos shouldn't last very long. Make it up with a cheery poem !

    Nice to have found your blog. You are a seasoned blogger; following you from now on.

    1. To say I am honoured is an understatement Ramesh. Especially after reading your posts. I am novice at writing poems and this one is i would say my best. I wrote this while I was in a rick, on my way back home from work. Will try coming up with a cheery one - can t say when.


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